Let’s talk about what to do when you feel stuck.
As a woman who has felt stuck multiple times in her life, I want you to know that it’s completely normal to feel this way. These moments can be very frustrating, but you have to remember that God is with you.
What if ‘feeling stuck’ is God’s way of trying to get your attention?
This post is all about what to do when you feel stuck.
Are you ready? Let’s geaux!
What Does It Mean To Feel Stuck
Believe me when I say that feeling stuck isn’t the worst place to be in, although it can feel like it. If you’re feeling stuck that probably means that you feel trapped in your situation with no way out.
It’s very easy to fall victim to negative thinking at this time, but you have to try to remain positive. Remember this state isn’t permanent and God just may be trying to get your attention.
Here are a few examples of what you may be feeling:
- You’re finding yourself in a repetitive cycle.
- Every time you try anything, overthinking overtakes you.
- You feel like nothing you do or say matters.
- Your situation feels never ending.
- You feel like there’s no meaning to your life.
- You’re experiencing burn out.
When you’re feeling like the things listed, it’s important to identify what triggered these feelings. Getting to the root is the first step toward freedom.
{Related Post: The BEST Method To Overcome Negative Thinking}
5 Reasons Why You’re Feeling Stuck
1. You Have Disobeyed God In An Area Of Your Life
It’s easy to accept Jesus as Savior, but allowing Him to be Lord is another story. I’m not going to lie, it’s tough to go from following your own will to following God’s will.
Honestly, our spirits want to obey God, but our flesh is full of rebellion. We just don’t like to be told what to do.
But the truth is when God tells us to do anything, it’s for our benefit. You may not see it in the moment, but everything God does is for your good.
What is the last thing God told you to do?
Tip To Break Free: Pray and ask God to remind you of what He told you to do then act on it.
2. You Are Stuck In Old Patterns And Behaviors
Unfortunately, self-sabotage is common. You must know that you aren’t a slave to your old patterns and behaviors unless you choose to obey them.
Start to identify your old patterns and behaviors. Once you know what they are, get to the root of why you do them.
Tip To Break Free: Discover the root cause of your actions and do one small thing to change.
3. You’re Afraid Of Discomfort
If you want change, you need to become relentless in making that change happen. You can’t let your fear of discomfort outweigh your desire for change.
The new habits will take some time for you to get used to, but you have to continue to practice them even if you fall. Remember a righteous man falls seven times but always gets back up (Proverbs 24:16 ESV).
Changing will be uncomfortable, but you’re growth will be your reward.
Tip To Break Free: Get out of your comfort zone in some way.
4. You Haven’t Planned For Change
Someone once said “A goal without a plan is just a dream”. You may be feeling stuck because you haven’t planned for change. What is it that you want out of life?
Tip To Break Free: Answer the question above by writing it in a journal or creating a video. One day you’ll look back and praise God for how far He’s brought you.
5. You Don’t Believe In Yourself
Low self-esteem can be a hidden enemy of your growth. I have an exercise for you: Grab yourself a piece of paper and a pen and write about how you feel about yourself.
Whatever comes to your mind, I want you to write it. Don’t worry about whether it’s positive or negative. Then get into the mirror and speak God’s word over your life.
Tip To Break Free: Head over to the free resource library and download “Who I am in Christ affirmations” Speak these over your life.
What To Do When You Feel Stuck
1. Seek God Daily
Remember when I said that this could be God trying to get your attention? Sometimes He allows you to feel stuck in order to slow you down. Get back to spending time with Him so that He can lead and guide you along the right path.
2. Decide It’s Time For Change
Once you make up your mind, you can follow through on anything. All it takes is one firm decision for you to change because change starts in your mind.
3. Change Your Self-Perception
Because change starts in your mind, you’ll have to do an inventory of how you view yourself. If you think low of yourself, then your actions will reflect.
You have to begin to see yourself the way God sees you.
4. Acknowledge The Lies
What are your current beliefs about yourself? Do you feel like you can’t change because you haven’t changed yet? Keep trying because you’re worth it.
What are the lies that make you feel that change isn’t possible? Acknowledge them and keep track of them so that you don’t fall for them over and over.
5. Remind Yourself Of What God Has Spoken
You can’t acknowledge the lies without drowning them in the truth of God’s word.
Look at the lies spoken. All of them are the exact opposite of what God has already said of you. (Some lies will cause you to have to seek more of the truth, but when you seek, you will find!)
For example, the enemy may be taunting you about being “infertile”. He may have been lying saying “you’ll never have a baby”.
The enemy may also be putting imaginations in your mind about you experiencing miscarriages and stillbirths.
What did God tell you? If He said you’ll have children, then you will, and you’ll experience life with your family!
I have Bible for those of you hoping to conceive one day. In Jesus name your womb will be fruitful.
“And if you faithfully obey the voice of the Lord, your God being careful to do all his commandments that I command you today, the Lord your God will set you above all the nations of the earth” (Deuteronomy 28:1).
“Blessed shall be the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your ground and the fruit of your cattle, the increase of your herds, and the young of your flock” (Deuteronomy 28:4).
6. Set Tiny Goals And Achieve Them
Tiny goals are still goals and maybe you are stuck because you keep trying to do too much at once. It’s more than okay to take things slow and achieve a little at time.
What will your tiny goal be?
7. Simplify Your Daily Routine
I don’t know about you, but when I try to do “everything”, I instantly get overwhelmed. Let me tell you something, busy is not better.
There are some days when you should rest. Resting doesn’t mean to lay down and sleep (Even though it can be for some). Simplifying your daily routine will settle your mind and help you to get your priorities together.
Less is always more. You have more than enough time in a day to do what you need to do, you just have to prioritize your day.
8. Start Moving Your Body
Exercising has a huge impact on the mind! Sure, you’re moving your body, but when you exercise your mind is having its own breakthrough.
If you want to get unstuck, add exercise to your daily routine.
Psssssst, Your tiny goal can be to walk for at least five minutes.
9. Get Out Of The House (Or The Office)
You’d be surprised about how much being outdoors can make a difference. Fresh air and the sun are some of the best things you can give yourself.
Spend some time outdoors whenever you can.
I recommend going to your local park to take in as much nature as you can.
10. Live For Today
Each day you face is one that was created specifically for you (Psalm 139:16 ESV). Stop allowing yourself to worry about tomorrow.
Matter of fact, try to live in the moment. You deserve to live a life free of worry and stress. It’s on the other side of this!
11. Take Care Of Your Mental Health
Exercise is a physical activity that is equally important for your body and mind. While exercising has amazing benefits, there are other things you can do to take care of your mental health like: Journaling, Talking to a friend, praying to God, and taking a break from the norm by going on a weekend getaway.
What are some of the things that you do when you’re feeling stuck? Is there anything that we missed? Feel free to comment down below.
This post was all about what to do when you feel stuck.
Always remember you’re destined to win because He got up!
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