Want to know the SECRET on how to walk in obedience to God?
Honestly, I haven’t always walked in obedience to God. I didn’t want to obey Him because I was upset that He wasn’t doing things my way.
As I spent more time with Him, He showed me how to obey Him and even gave me insight into why I should walk in obedience to Him.
I will be sharing with you the importance of walking in obedience to God and the lessons I learned along the way.
This post is all about how to walk in obedience to God.
Are you ready? Let’s geaux!
What Is Obedience To God
Obedience is an expression of love, trust, and devotion to God. In very few words, it means to hear God’s words and act on them.
When you’re in a committed relationship with God, your obedience is a response of your trust and faith in Him. Would you believe me if I told you that it’s nearly impossible to love God without obedience?
Jesus says in John 14:15 “if you love Me, you will keep My commandments”. How often are you displaying your love, trust, and devotion to God?
Let’s take a deeper dive into what it means to be obedient to God:
1. Developing A Relationship
John 15:15 NIV-I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.
A relationship with God is personal. At the core of every relationship is the way someone receives and gives love. There’s a popular book called “The five love languages” which gives a little insight to how people give and receive love. Check out the book here.
The interesting thing about God is that He already knows how to give you love, but do you know how to receive and reciprocate it back to Him?
Can you guess what God’s love language is?
2. Responding To His Love
Mark 12:31 NIV-The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandments greater than these.
Responding to God’s love is choosing to do what He says and trusting Him to help you. A part of obeying God is to love yourself and others as if they are you.
No matter how difficult a person may seem, God wants you to love them by treating them the way He shows you to. Remember you’re not alone even in responding to His love.
3. Learning And Unlearning
Matthew 11:29 NIV-Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
If you’re way was working, would you still need Jesus? I think this is a question that we should ask ourselves regularly just to keep us humble.
Your life with God will require you to learn and unlearn some things. God’s way is completely counteractive to the ways of the world.
For example, God says to love your enemies and to pray for those who persecute you (Matthew 5:43-48 NIV). You and I both know that we weren’t originally taught that.
{Related Post: What To Do When You Feel Stuck}
4. Sacrificing Your Will
Sacrificing your will is not a natural thing. You have to yield to God’s will with all your heart, but don’t worry you don’t have to do it alone.
Growing in the spirit is similar to growing in the physical. You were once a baby and it took you time to grow up right?
It’s the same in the spirit and God is now training you to choose His will because it’s best for you. At times you may choose your own, but as you grow, you’ll learn to trust Him more and more.
5. Letting Go
Matthew 6:14 NIV-For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
It’s so easy to hold onto the things that hurt us and sometimes we can really believe that we’ve forgiven. True forgiveness is letting go of the offence by giving it to God and not discussing it unless you are seeking help or telling your testimony.
If we’re not careful, we can open up wounds that God is working on by speaking and thinking about the things that hurt us constantly.
Allow God to help you forgive by giving your hurts over to Him.
5 Benefits Of Obedience
You were designed to have a healthy, loving relationship with God, yourself, and others. Obedience is a part of that relationship and it is crucial to the way you live your life.
Rules are in place to protect you and benefit you, not to control you. Remember you have free will, but the best way to maximize it is by yielding to God’s will for your life.
Here are five benefits of obedience:
1. Clear Direction
The possibilities of who you can be are endless. There may be a way that seems right to you, but if it’s apart from God’s will, it may end in death.
If you want the most authentic version of yourself to be revealed, let God lead you. Your real life is hidden with Christ in God and He desires to show you the beauty of His creation (Colossians 3:3 NIV).
2. A Generation That Delights In The Lord
Deuteronomy 12:28 NLT-Be careful to obey all my commands, so that all will go well with you and your children after you, because you will be doing what is good and pleasing to the LORD your God.
Obedience blesses your children’s children. Your obedience is the substance of the inheritance that you’ll leave to your children.
It’s not only about you. It’s also about those coming after you. You can think of it as a relay race. Your parents were the first runners, you are the second, and so on and so forth.
The more you obey, the further in life you will get, although it can feel like the exact opposite sometimes. You have to keep obeying for you and those coming behind you!
3. Success
2 Chronicles 26:5 NLT-Uzziah sought God during the days of Zechariah, who taught him to fear God. And as long as the king sought guidance from the LORD, God gave him success.
If I’m honest, sometimes it can feel as thought obedience is setting you back, but the truth is that it’s actually pivoting you forward.
True success isn’t about how much money you have, it’s about manifesting your full self on this earth. It’s up to you on how much will be revealed to both you and others.
4. Living At Peace With Your Enemies
Proverbs 16:7 ESV-When a man’s ways please the Lord, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him
People don’t have to like you to respect you. When your character exhibits righteousness, it will become very hard for even your enemies to cause trouble with you.
5. Prolonged And Prosperous Life
When you live God’s way, He has to reward you. I’m not sure if you’ve been living a prosperous life thus far, but that can turn around the moment you choose to obey.
The Bible may say that your rewards are in Heaven, but it never said that they couldn’t be received on earth.
![Obedience To God](https://blissful-faith.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Obedience-To-God-683x1024.png)
How To Walk In Obedience To God
Walking in obedience to God is quite simple. None of God’s commands are burdensome and everyone who has been born of Him overcomes the world (1 John 3-4 ESV).
To walk in obedience to God, you simply have to consciously make the decision in your heart to do so over and over again. This is a lifelong journey and there are a few steps you can take to help you along the way:
1. Study Your Bible
Reading the bible and studying the bible are both important. When you study, you’re taking time to allow the scriptures to sink into your mind.
Studying allows you to understand deeper and store the information for whenever you need it most.
2. Heed To The Little Things
Obedience is not about monumental decisions. It’s more practical than that. We tend to overlook everyday decisions like when something tells you to take the back roads rather than the freeway.
Have you ever stopped to think that that something may have been God? Remember God wants to walk with you through life, not just the moments where you “feel” like you need Him.
When you obey God with the everyday things, it helps you to build trust in Him for the larger things.
3. Focus On God’s Character
When life is throwing us curve balls, it’s easy to blame God for what’s happening. Let me tell you something: Life will NEVER be linear.
There will be times of great joy, sorrow, and everything in between. In the midst of all of that, God’s character remains the same.
Nothing in this life is ever happening to you. All things are happening FOR the development of your character.
Even when bad things happen, God uses it, and turns it around for your good. You just have to open your eyes to see.
Walking in obedience to God will always be simple. Are there any other tips and tricks that you can think of that can help us to walk in obedience to God? Please comment them down below!
This post was all about how to walk in obedience to God.
Always remember you’re destined to win because He got up!
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